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Introducing Interview Builder

Unlock the potential of efficient and consistent interviewing with Sova’s Interview Builder. Empower hiring teams to build effective interviews to make faster, fairer hiring decisions driven by data.


Say goodbye to tedious manual interview preparation

Interview Builder is designed to enhance your interviewing process, whether conducted in-person or fully virtual. 

No more juggling multiple interview templates or spending hours creating custom questions. Interview Builder streamlines the process, saving you time and effort. 

With this feature, admin users can select competencies and other business criteria to generate a comprehensive interview pack. 

Assessors can then select from this pre-approved question set, facilitating consistency and seamless interviewing.


Ensure a standardised interview experience, effortlessly

With Interview Builder, you have a centralised tool to create and manage interview guides across roles, departments, and locations. This not only saves you from the hassle of coordinating disparate interview processes but ensures fairness for all candidates.

Ready to see more? Try Interview Builder for yourself with a self-guided tour.




Ensure a standardised interview experience with one set of questions for recruiters to create their interviews. This promotes fairness across candidates and supports a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Data Integrity

Maintain data integrity for ease of monitoring and analysis at scale. Track and measure the effectiveness of competency-based interviews, enabling data-driven decision-making in the hiring process.

Increased Efficiency

Streamline the interview process, saving time and reducing costs.  Interview Builder simplifies and accelerates the creation of interview guides, enabling recruiters to conduct interviews with speed and ease.


Can I use my organisation’s existing interview questions?

Absolutely, Sova will support the implementation of your questions to create a bespoke Interview Builder for your organisation. 

Can interviewers choose exactly which questions they ask?

Yes, the interview can be set up to provide specific questions for interviewers, or to allow an interviewer to choose from a subset of questions. 

Can interviewers add their own questions to ask on top of the organisational questions?

Absolutely! There is the ability to include additional questions which can be determined as part of the specific interview set up. 

Get started today

Discover a new level of recruitment success. Reach out to us and schedule a call to explore how Sova's innovative assessment solutions can drive better hiring outcomes for your organisation. Let's embark on a journey of talent excellence.

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